Håll reda på dina sajters Google PageRank med smidig tjänst

Har provat på PageRankAlert och måste säga att det är en smidig tjänst. Man kan lägga till url:er til sina webbsajter och få email när PageRank förändras.

Detta värde är alltså Google's rankningsvärde för att hålla reda på hur viktig en sajt anses vara. Nuförtiden är det ju tvivelaktigt hur mycket detta värde spelar in i sökmotorns algorithmer, men endå kul med statistik.

Tyvärr har Codeodyssey går ner en del det sista halvåret till en 3:a. Vi som åtminstonde låg på en 4: förra året.


Hey, thanks for linking to PageRankAlert.com ! I'm glad you found my web applicaton useful.
Hi Jamie. I really like your application. Got my first report the other day, and it's great to get this information send on email. I don't need to monitor the changes myself anymore, and it saves me a lot of time. Thanks for making this possible.
Hey, I've added a new feature to pagerankalert.com - you can now download your listings as a CSV spreadsheet file. I'd be more than happy if you'd consider writing about it on your blog. http://pagerankalert.com/blog/2009/1/4/download-your-pagerank-listings"> http://pagerankalert.com/blog/2009/1/4/download-your-pagerank-listings Thanks!

We're finishing the new version of PageRankAlert.com and I'd like to invite you to try the beta. This is not the definitive design of it but all features are now working here (this is a complete rewrite).


The main new feature is on the PageRank charts, that now show the PR value for every day since the inclusion of the page.

Keep in mind that all data introduced on the beta will be deleted when we do the production deploy. If you want your data to be hold, enter them on the official site as well.

Thank you for the invitation!

I added a few domains and it seems to work well, Even though the design is not finished I really like it. Simple and nice interface.